"Blocker" page

This page is available only for configuration of Resident task.

The "Blocker" page contains the controls for setting of the blocking of potentially dangerous operations. At any attempt to perform such an operation the user will be advised, and the operation will be performed only with his approval.

The "Blocker" page of resident task

At this approach, however, the user can often be disturbed by useless inquiries, and therefore AVAST32 offers a possibility to select only the operations that are to be monitored.

Firstly choose the file extensions which should be monitored. The chosen extensions enter into the text box and separate them by commas.

By checking the "Opening file for writing" check box AVAST32 will monitor the opening file for the writing, thereby a new virus can be detected, while it attempts to write into the executable file and spread itself this way in your computer.

The "Renaming file" check box serves for setting of checking the rename file operation.

By checking the "Deleting file" check box AVAST32 will be monitoring the file deletion.

In the case that AVAST32 needs to display a dialog about the blocked operation and is unable to display the message (e.g. because the screen saver is running or the user in not logged to the computer), it will make decision automatically. By the "Allow the operation" or "Deny the operation" radio buttons set if AVAST32 should allow or deny the performed operation.